đź“‚ HR data management module
Free yourself from Excel files and store your HR data without limits in a secure, centralized digital space.
*No credit card required
MyPYLI's HR file lets you store all administrative information for each employee in a single, dedicated space, with the option of simplified updating.
Show your employees that they're important to the company, and get to know your staff by opting for a dynamic, up-to-date directory.
The HR data management module can be accessed by employees at various hierarchical levels, which can be divided into 3 categories:
The HR file is a digital or paper file used to store the personal and professional information of each company employee.
This tool makes personnel management easier, thanks to rapid access to all employee information in a single location.
For greater efficiency, we recommend creating the HR file as soon as the employee arrives.
MyPYLI's HR data management software facilitates and automates the storage and centralization of employees' administrative and HR information.
With MyPYLI, all you have to do is enter employee information by creating their HR files, and the MyPYLI system will take care of distributing and centralizing this data, by issuing digital HR files for each employee, generating the organization chart and updating the employee photos.
 Using HR data management software, your company and employee data is stored and backed up daily using AWS (Amazon Web Services) infrastructure, and can only be accessed by designated persons.
We follow the guidelines set out in the GDPR. The personal data of your company and your employees will be stored and protected
in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation.